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cylinder length door width
What cylinder is required for the 360L from Von Duprin?
A 1 1/4" mortise cylinder with straight cam (similar to the Schlage B502-191) or a 1 1/2" mortise cylinder with straight cam using supplied spacer collar. Cylinder length does not chan...:
What cylinder length do you use for escutcheon trim for the L series mortise lock?
Typically for a 1-3/4" door you would use a 1-1/4" cylinder. Use the Table in the Pricebook for a reference:Note: The 30-001 used with Rose trim on double cylinder applications requires a Blo...:
What's the maximum door width?
The maximum width door the Steelcraft can make is 4' 0":
How do you order a Senior Swing header for a 2810 on one leaf and a 2010 on the other?
LCN does offer a 2810 Senior Swing / 2010 manual closer combo for a pair of doors. Both units contained within the same Senior Swing header. To order a paired operator with a 2810 o...:
What cam to use for a modular cylinder in Sargent mortise lock?
The Sargent cams listed below work for all applications except 16 inside and 50 outside. The equivalent Sargent cam is the 13-0660. Use the B520-736 for modular cylinder lengths of 1 1/8",...:
What Schlage cam will operate Sargent locks?
Click here for a list of available Schlage cams comparable to the Sargent 13-0660. :
Mortise cylinder with switch.
The XB09-195, XB09-795, and XQ11-804 are basically modified mortise cylinders. The overall length of the mortise cylinder switch is approximately 1-9/16" (1.563"). The diameter of the cylinder face...:
What is the maximum door thickness a Rim cylinder can fit on?
For total thickness measurements larger than 3 inches see the special cylinder offerings in the Schlage Pricebook. Specify the part number and include the total thickness. We do no...: