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cover plates for mortise locks holes
Does Falcon make a plate to cover holes when the door is prepped wrong?
These items are not available from Schlage or Falcon. There are third party companies such as Don-Jo or Pro-Lok that manufacture cover plates.:
M400-Series Electromagnetic Lock - Cover Screw Size
US 8-32 X 1/4 Inch length Phillips head. The same size can be used for a Torx/Security screw. :
How do I change the function of the Von Duprin 7500 mortise lock from Lever ( classroom ) to NL ( night latch )?
To convert the Von Duprin 9975L to 9975NL exit function follow these steps (Note: the mortise lock is shipped as Night Latch from the factory): Turn the NL screw on 7500 mortise lock counter clo...:
What is the replacement for the Locknetics 9100 series electric strike?
The Locknetics 9100 series electric strikes are replaced with Von Duprin 6211 and 6210 electric strikes. The 6211 is used if the frame is being replaced. The 6210 is for ...: