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control low voltage
What is the low battery threshold for the AD and CO Locks?
CO200 & CO250 Disable coin cell Nuisance delay and blink, With CO.A.7 and SUS 4.10.2 or newer for CO200 and CO250, you can use the SUS/HHD, under Lock Properties, Edit, to de-select, DISABLE, t...:
Why does the DC output voltage on the PS914-2RS or PS914-4RL drops when access control is activated?
Following items could cause the DC output on PS914 series power supply to drop when access control is activated. Wrong gauge wire from power supply to the the power transfer. Excessive wire run...:
What are Hold Open Closers & Magnets?
Hold Open Closers & Magnets (Fire/Life safety products) provide a wide range of solutions. Single or multi-point hold open closers Utilize an electromechanical closer. Hold the door o...:
How do I identify the voltage on the rotary solenoid for E360/E370 Series lever controls?
The wires are white for both 12 and 24 VDC solenoids for Von Duprin lever controls. The last 3 digits on the solenoid sticker identify the voltage: -032= 12VDC -034= 24VDC :
Why would a Falcon 8200 Series operator be blowing the fuse?
If the Main AC fuse is blowing, the control box is defective and needs to be replaced. The "Main Fuse" is a (5x20MM) 1 Amp Slow Blow fuse. If the 12VAC fuse is blowing, verify they are not trying...:
Why do AD Series offline locks still give a Low Coin Cell indication after I install a new coin cell?
The coin cell part number is CR2025 - 3 volt lithium - available at most battery or electronics stores.: