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closer with soss hinge
What closer can be used with Soss invisible hinges?
Using Soss hinges with closers can require special device and preparation locations. If you have questions on specific closer applications, please e-mail your request (including a description ...:
Can I use a Glynn Johnson 410 with a 4040 regular (pull side) mount?
ST-1630 is required when mounting a 4041 or 4040XP door closer regular (pull/hinge) side with a concealed GJ100 or GJ410 series over head stop.This ST also REQUIRES the use of a 4040-18TJ drop plat...:
Can a 4040 Pull Side closer be mounted with Swing Clear Hinges?
ST-1583 is used to template a 4040 or 4040XP closer mounted hinge side with swing clear hinges. This ST is templating only – it uses standard parts.For current ST add on pricing ...:
Can a 4010 be mounted with swing clear hinges?
Locate closer and arm from the centerline of the swing clear hinge pin.:
Can a Cam Lift hinge be used with LCN closers?
Cam Lift hinges can only be used with LCN door closers that have a "Regular" or "Reg hold Open" style arm. Manual Closers:Maximum lift dimension is 3/4".Can not be use (H)EDA, CUSH, or T...:
When sizing for a Glynn-Johnson overhead, how is a Soss hinge considered?
Consider the Soss hinge like a butt hinge to determine the size of overhead that is needed. For templating use the same mounting group as a 4" wide butt hinge and the appropriate door thickness.: