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Causes for blowing up rx switches
What would cause a 4600 (4630/4640) to keep blowing fuses as soon as the 120VAC cable is plugged into control box?
The main AC fuse would blow if there is a direct short across the AC line. This could be caused by a:1. Defective I/O PC Board (-3180) To check - unplug the control box AC power cable (2 wire)...:
AC is fuse blowing on a PS914 when AC power is applied.
If AC fuse blowing on a PS914 power supply then the mother board is defective. You need to replace the power supply with a new one.:
Why would a Falcon 8200 Series operator be blowing the fuse?
If the Main AC fuse is blowing, the control box is defective and needs to be replaced. The "Main Fuse" is a (5x20MM) 1 Amp Slow Blow fuse. If the 12VAC fuse is blowing, verify they are not trying...:
What could cause the fuse to blow in a PS873 power supply?
Following could cause the fuse to blow in Von Duprin PS873 power supply. PS873 power supply provides 2AMP at 24VDC or 4AMP at 12VDC. If this limit is exceeded the fuse will blow in the power sup...:
Chexit goes into alarm with fast flashing LED and not locking after rearm time.
Chexit devices shipped prior to 8-24-2015 with solenoid driven: Chexit device has a RX switch with a connector that needs to be connected to the Chexit module otherwise the alarm will sound af...:
Who can adjust or replace the Chexit RX switch?
For Chexit devices with solenoid driven shipped from the factory prior to 8-24-2015, the RX switch is ordered as a "Special CX RX Switch". It may only be installed or adjusted ...:
Does the Von Duprin ALK require the RX switch to operate?
The RX switch is required to activate the ALK. The RX switch monitors the pushbar and will signal the ALK to go into alarm when the pushbar is depressed. The RX switch also allows free in...: