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auxiliarry fire latch application
At what degree will the AFL (Auxiliary Fire Latch) bolt release?
1400 degrees which is approximately 20 minutes after the fire starts.:
When are Panic Devices required?
The use of Panic Hardware and/or Fire Exit Hardware is required by the International Building Code (IBC) and NFPA 101 – The Life Safety Code, depending on which code and which edition of the code i...:
What is AFL on fire rated LBR exit devices?
AFL stands for "Auxiliary Fire Latch" on fire rated exit devices.:
What is the difference between Panic Hardware and Fire Exit Hardware?
The most obvious difference (in the device) is the lack of mechanical dogging on a Fire Rated Device. There are some internal parts that may be different and the method it is secured to the d...:
What are the benefits of E7500 and E996L-M?
Both E7500 mortise lock and E996L-M provide electrical control of the outside trim. The E7500 mortise lock offers two monitoring switches that would not be available on the E996L-M trim. They moni...:
What is the difference between Von Duprin EL and E functions?
Application is based on how the door will be used. Please contact Product Support at 877-671-7011 to discuss your application and select the correct device for your opening.: