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Aged bronze finish
What is the difference between 643e & 613?
The 643e is a powder coat finish equivalent to the US11 aged bronze finish. The 613 is oxidized and oil rubbed and is equivalent to the US10B. :
Are the 643e and 716 finishes the same?
The commercial Aged Bronze finish (643e) is the BHMA equivalent to a copper plated, blackened, relieved and then clear coated product. This commercial finish is identical to the residential Aged ...:
Are factory finished doors and frames available from Steelcraft?
Factory finished painted doors are available from Steelcraft. Frames "are not available" factory finished from the factory.Doors are offered in variety of standard colors or can be finish...:
What parts of the device and trim for the 98/99 are 643E finish?
Device: Pushbar end caps, pushbar trim and center case cover. Trim: Lever assembly, trim plate assembly (trim plate and bushing sleeve).Bronze Finish Comparison:
Is the old Doromatic 1090 the same as a 2090?
Yes, with the exceptions that the 2090 base material is aluminum whereas the 1090 was either brass or bronze base material depending on the finish.:
What powder coat best matches US10B for a closer?
The closest powder coat finish by LCN is Dark Bronze (BHMA 695).: