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Schlage Electronics
692 Smart Bar trouble shooting
Verify power input lines have 12 or 24 volts DC. Power up the 692, several self test beeps should occur and the internal relay will cycle then it will become silent In normal operation breaking...:
Does the 672 / 692 REX require the 788-12 / 788-18 door loop?
Yes, 672/692REx required the 788-12/18 door loop or at least 4 wire electric hinge or Von Duprin EPT10.In addition, because they are surface mounted and do not affect the rating of t...:
What is the DPDT for the 672/692?
DPDT is double contacts push bar monitor switch. Double Pole Double Throw:
Does the 672 touch bar require a power supply?
No, 672 does not require power supply. It simply serves as a switch (REX) mechansim.:
Part numbers for on the 692 Smartbar and 672 touch bar components
See Parts list at Tech Web SIte: