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Schlage Electronics
101+ mag lock sounding a slow beep, once every 20 seconds.
A slow beep on a 101+ indicates a low voltage warning. Check for proper voltage (12 or 24 VDC or VAC) at terminals 1 and 2. If correct voltage is present, lock should be replaced. :
101+ delayed egress triggered on power up
When lock goes into delayed egress upon power up check the following make sure all armature washers are installed properly. alignment between mag and armature correct screws used for mou...:
101+ or 390DEL After memory clear Relock delay may reset to 1 second.
If memory is cleared on delayed egress maglocks they may revert to a 1 second relock time. The relock delay will need to be reset to a value between 6 - 8 seconds. The max delay is 30 seconds.:
Does the 101+ or 390DEL require a spike supressor?
The 101+ and 390DEL mag locks have built in spike suppression. There should not be any type of diode, resistor, or supression put at terminals 1 and 2. can cause residual magnetism :
New Delay Egress Maglock Replacing the 390DEL and 101+
The 390DEL and 101+ maglocks have been discontinued. They are being replaced within the product line to the M490DE, a plunger-switch activated delayed egress maglock much like the 390DEL.: