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Von Duprin
Why would a 6000 electric strike make a chattering noise?
Check the voltage to the 6000 series electric strike solenoid.Black wires on the solenoid must use 24VDC +/- %15Yellow wires on the solenoid must use 12VDC +/- %15Verify DC voltage NOT AC voltage i...:
How do I replace the spring in my 6000 series electric strike?
The strike that controls the strike lip is replaceable and is available in kits. 6211, 6211AL, 6211WF,6212 and 6212WF uses Spring Kit 1, part number 050939-00 6210 uses Spring kit 2, part...:
What is the replacement for the Locknetics 9100 series electric strike?
The Locknetics 9100 series electric strikes are replaced with Von Duprin 6211 and 6210 electric strikes. The 6211 is used if the frame is being replaced. The 6210 is for ...:
What electric strikes are available for Von Duprin rim exit devices?
The 22, 33/35A and 98/99 rim exit devices: The 6111 is the most common electric strike to be used with these devices 6112 and 6113 electric strikes also could be used The 6300 surface mount el...:
Which Von Duprin electric strike is similar to the HES 1006-J?
The Von Duprin 6211 is similar to the HES 1006-J.: