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How do you disable privacy button on NDEB?
If you do not want to use the inside privacy button, the lock function will need to be set to storeroom function.You can do this at the lock with the Engage software on your phone.Log into the Enga...:
Why are all my Engage site users suddenly losing access to all our doors?
Most likely, the User Expiration date has expired. The default time is 5 years from date of activation.If a large number of Users stopped working at the same time, that is the first item to c...:
How to sync an Engage lock?
To sync the locks in the Engage platform, you will have to go the lock with the Engage app on your phone.Log into the Engage app.Click on the name of the door you are in front of.Press and hold the...:
Is there a way to see previously deleted credentials in Engage?
Unfortunately, there is no way in the Engage App to see which previous credentials have been deleted. When deleted, they are deleted from the database, no history of the badge is left behind.:
What does the Last Updated field indicate for a specific device in the Engage web portal?
The Last Updated field only represents the last time there was a sync while there was also an active pending indicator. Subsequent syncs to upload audits and download door files will not upda...: