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What causes error code 426 when enrolling credentials using the MT20W (in USB mode)?
Occurs when an updated last connected time component is not received (Need to look at the server side if using a PACS.) Engage managed sites: Reader is not commissioned to the site or was nev...:
MT20W LED info
How to update the firmware on an MT20W
We have a YouTube video that walks you through the process.Click here for the video.With your Engage Phone app, under devices, select the MT20W, click on More.Select update Firmware. Click update b...:
Can you use the MT20W with an iPad using a converter?
No you cannot use an MT20W with an iPad. The MT20W needs to be connected to a laptop or desktop. C or iMac only. :
Getting Error 413 on Engage Desktop App.
This can occur with some updates/changes to your operating system, firewall or VPN. Please ask your IT team about firewall or VPN changes. Click here for our latest Wi-Fi requirements doc...: