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Mobile App
How do you download the ENGAGE app on an iPhone?
You need to go to the App Store with the Apple device and do a search for Allegion ENGAGE.When ENGAGE is found select GET. Sign in with your Apple ID and ENGAGE will download.:
How many users can a NDE Engage account hold?
The user limit per account is 5000 users. That is hard coded.:
Can the NDE ENGAGE BASIC application do user schedules or auto unlocks?
Currently the free basic app can program user schedules, auto unlocks, and holidays. You will have to create all of the schedules from the Web Portal. It cannot be done from the Engage Phone A...:
Why is my NDE lock not connecting to my phone?
First make sure your Bluetooth is ON in your phone.Do not have any other Bluetooth devices connected to your phone like a watch or headphones.Second make sure the lock is NOT in construction mode. ...:
What is "commissioning" when using Engage Application?
•Commissioning is the action that assigns or attaches an NDE to a specific site and owner in the ENGAGE™ account •Once commissioned successfully, the NDE cannot be enrolled into any oth...: