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Do I need to order the LCN 4040XP closer X ST-3596 to get the cover screw to secure the snap on cover to the cylinder?
As of June 27th, 2018--- the cover screw is now standard in the screw packs for the 4040XP, 4040XPT, 4000T, and 4040SE so ST-3596 is no longer needed. :
What is the template difference between 4040SE and 4040SEL closer?
Because the SEL track is 3" longer than the SE, installation will be moved closer to the hinge compared to that of the standard SE track. This will also change the location on ...:
When did LCN start shipping the new 3034SE roller/slider with a wear pad?
Engineering redesigned the SE roller/slider to include a wear pad and it was launched and started shipping with SE orders on Thursday December 13th 2018. See here for product image. &n...:
Can LCN ME/SE closer holders be used on exterior/vestibule doors?
LCN ME/SE closer holders are specifically designed for use on interior fire rated doors. :
Can the 4040SE-3210 transformer be used with both SE and ME 24v units?
Yes, the -3210 transformer is the same transformer thru all the Fire Life and Safety Products (SE and ME). The current draw rating for the transformer is 400mA which means, it could po...: