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What is the maximum pull side reveal for the 4040SE?
The Maximum Reveal for the 4040SE std arm mounted on the pull side is 1/8".The 4040SE has a DE arm option for mounting with pull side reveals over 1/8” up to 2-11/16” maximum.There is no option for...:
Did LCN ever sell a 4040SED that was powered by a 9v battery?
LCN did at one time offer a 4040SDB, which had a detector and was powered by a 9v battery. It was obsoleted in DEC of 97 and no replacement parts are available.:
Will the LCN 4040SEH hold open without power to unit?
The 4040SEH will NOT hold open without the proper power to the unit.:
Can you mount a 4040SE pull side with a 4" reveal on a total door system?
ST-3351 is used when trying to mount a 4040SE pull side with a maximum of a 4” reveal and a Total Door System. This will work with reveals between 2-11/16” and 4”. It uses a special DE a...:
Can I use a on/off switch with the 4040SE closer?
You would wire the NC/COM contact of the on/off switch you are using, to one leg of the incoming power - if the switch opens, power is broken and the solenoid will release the hold open.: