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Schlage Electronics
What credentials are compatible with XceedID Readers?
Reader - Card Compatibility Chart:
What is a composite card?
The composite material on our credentials is a 70/30 blend of PETG (polyethylene terephthalate glycol or thermoplastic polymer) to PVC (polyvinyl chloride). Being made of this composite mater...:
Magnetic Stripe Card Coersivity
Magstripes come in two main varieties: high-coercivity (HiCo) at 4000 Oe and low-coercivity (LoCo) at 300 Oe but it is not infrequent to have intermediate values at 2750 Oe. High-coercivity magstri...:
What is the wiegand format for 26 Bit credentials?
Wiegand is the trade name for a technology used in card readers and sensors, particularly for access control applications. The composition of the 26 Bit Weigand industry standard contains 8 bits ...:
Understanding Stamped Information on Schlage RFID Proximity, Smart Cards, and Keyfobs
Most XceedID credentials contain a wealth of information about them stamped right on the card. The data is usually as follows - &nbs...: