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Schlage Electronics
-1601 Reserved error received when running Handnet for Windows
This is a corrupt database error message. This can, in most cases, be corrected by running a compact/repair utility called Handnet_Repair.exe. This can be requested through our support email at rea...:
Can the archive files, HNA files in Handnet for Windows be merged together
The HNA archive files cannot be merged. They can only be read from within Handnet for Windows:
What Windows' operating systems are compatible with HandNet for Windows?
Handnet for Windows Operating Systems CompatibilityHand Net for Windows has been tested with the following operating systems:· Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (US English edition)· Windows X...:
Handnet for Windows user database bug - windows 7
This is a known bug and currently has no resolution. If Handnet for Windows is initially installed on Windows 7 and the user enrollment is started/initiated on Windows 7, there are no issues.You ca...:
Moving Handnet for Windows to a Windows 7 machine
Yes you can. Following these procedures: What happens in Windows 7 is that its putting the .mdb files into the virtual store folder. Here is the full directory: C:\Users\”name” \AppData\L...: