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What is the minimum door opening width for mounting the 4640 or 4630 on a double door?
The minimum door opening width (for mounting a pair of 4640 or 4630 operators on a double door) is 72" wide (2 - 36" door leaves). Mounting the 4640 or 4630 on a double door that is less than 72" w...:
What are the values for the diode and capacitor used with the 4600 operator?
For the newer 4600 I/O Board -- Identified by a 1 to 24 pin terminal block: As of October 2010 the I/O Board assembly was changed and the new 4600 circuit boards have the capacitor, and diode bu...:
Which arm is the same as the 4640 regular arm?
The 4640 Regular arm (4640-3077) is the same as: 4040 Long Arm 4820 Regular arm. The arms listed above are for reveals up to 4 1/2" and have a 8 3/8" long rod and shoe. 4640 Long arm ...:
What causes an E02 Error Code on a 4600 operator?
An error code E02 indicate a short on the 12/24 VDC power supply. On current I/O Boards with the 1-24 terminal strip: Verify any wiring on the power outpu...:
What are the Rod and Shoe lengths for 4000 and 1000 series closers?
STANDARD ROD AND SHOE: 4020, 4031, 1460, 1520, 1370, 1070, 1260, 4640, 4820 is: 8 3/8” LONG ROD AND SHOE: 4020, 4031, 1460, 1520, 1370, 1070, 1260, 4640, 4820 is: 12 3/8”STANDARD ROD AND SHOE:...: